Email friends of the Coburg Olympic Pool at savecoburgolympicpool@gmail.com
Some of the individuals involved in the campaign:
Robin Parker. Robin went for a swim on the the 3rd of December 2006, only to find the Coburg Olympic Pool had been closed without warning. She has been writing letters to the City of Moreland and the Moreland Leader ever since. Contact Robin at thepobson@yahoo.com.au
Melissa Alexander. Mel says,
i am a local mum that has lived in the area for 3.5 years.
i was drawn to this place because of the beautiful open green spaces.
i want my kids to want to live here for the same reasons.
Mel is writing for the website and is part of the media group. She can be contacted at melmate@hotmail.com
Kitty Owens lives in North Coburg, near Coburg Olympic Pool! Kitty has 2 young children, is an artist and works in the museum sector. Kitty is part of the events group and is writing for the website.
Cate Hall moved into the area about a year ago, with her partner and little girl, for the proximity to the creek and all it has to offer but also for the beautiful outdoor pool within walking distance The family are yet to experience the pool as it was closed without warning just after they signed the dotted line. Cate remains optimistic this unique facility will be re-opened and has been talking to local, state and federal politicians, council officers and councillors about why and how we want this to happen. Contact Cate on kiwitinka@iprimus.com.au
Janet Grigg. Janet is a long time resident of Moreland and has always admired the Coburg Olympic Pool. She is the website designer and administrator for the Save Coburg Olympic Pool site and can be contacted at janetmgrigg@gmail.com
Just remember, you can't swim in an empty promise