There's a new link to the right of the website... the online petition! Please sign and pass on. It's heading towards budget time and this is when Moreland council will decide whether or not the fund the works required to re-open the Coburg Olympic Pool for Summer 2008/09. A paper petition with 700 plus signatures was presented to council earlier this year. Let's see what we can do electronically.
The photos below are from Dr Clare Wright and show the fantastic turnout at the council meeting on 14th of May. It really was packed to the rafters. If you didn't catch the link on the sidebar earlier, Clare wrote a fantastic piece for The Age, "Destroy a pool in haste, repent at leisure centre" .
In other news, the email subscription form has been fixed and subscribers should now receive each new post overnight.
Well all that I can say is the Moreland city council should be ashamed about the way they are handling there infrastructure, the way they are going they are not going to have anything left for the residents of Moreland. This problem is at its worst in Newlands but it is now spreading to the rest of Moreland so if the council will not listen to the residents of Newlands well maybe they will listen to Moreland residents as a whole.Or should we as the residents sack council and install another council through due process.